It’s not easy dealing with haters and trolls on the internet. It can feel like negativity is everywhere, and sometimes it’s hard to know how to react. Don’t worry, though, because JustGoViral has got your back with a guide to dealing with negative encounters online.
Social media has become a breeding ground for some pretty harsh remarks. Trolls can hide behind their screens and keyboards, hurling insults at anyone brave enough to share their thoughts or pictures on the web.
For many people, and especially for influencers or business owners, it’s difficult to ignore the hate when faced with these online bullies.
Naturally, you don’t want them to win or to have the upper hand in an argument. But the best thing you can do is ignore them or block them if they’re getting under your skin.
There are many benefits to using social media, but chances are if you have any kind of significant following online, you will inevitably have to deal with some online haters. Even if you’re just having fun on your favorite social media site, there will always be statements left by people who seem to have nothing better to do than to spread gloom.
Whether their observations attack something about you or your brand personally or simply make you feel bad, words can escalate quickly into something that takes over your entire experience online.

Who Deals with Online Haters?
Businesses, personal brands, bloggers, and even kids face trolls in their comments and direct messages. No matter who you are or what your profession may be, hurtful statements can come from all angles.
Negative social media attacks can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Of course, people who have been online for a while have likely had to deal with adversity before.
Even if you’re just getting started on social media, comments can pop up at any time and change your entire perspective of online communication.
Adverse Side Effects of Hurtful Online Experiences
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reported that negative online experiences are often associated with depressive symptoms. This means that when spending time on social media, you’re more likely to be adversely affected by negativity than by positive experiences.
In addition, rude remarks from online haters can cause feelings of loneliness and sadness, especially for influencers, whose personalities are closely tied to their online brands. When words become personal, people often feel isolated, as if they have nowhere else to turn for support. Studies show that young people, ages 18 to 30, are especially at risk for developing anxiety and depression due to harsh online attacks. People in this age group spend a lot of time on social media, and any hostility encountered can begin to take its toll.
How to Deal with Online Haters
If you’re having bad experiences on social media due to comments and messages, either directly or indirectly, it can be helpful to take a break. If your time spent online becomes very overwhelming or makes you feel down, you may want to remove yourself from the internet altogether for a while. Sometimes, disabling or deleting your social accounts isn’t always an option, specifically if you’re using the web to promote your business or for work. So it’s best to have solid coping mechanisms for when antagonism arises.
To deal with challenging online haters, it can be beneficial to understand why they choose to leave bitter notes in the first place. If words are focused on you specifically, most likely, a troll has noticed a weakness or what they believe to be a flaw and simply wants to exploit it. Perhaps this person sees themselves as being equal or superior to you, and remarks have been made out of spite. Regardless of why the comments were made, it’s essential to know that negativity can only affect you if you let it. Here are some tips for dealing with those pesky online naysayers and advice for staying positive across social media platforms.

Don’t Respond
The only way haters and trolls can get under your skin is if you give them the satisfaction of a response. If someone says something rude, they want to see how much it affects you. By responding, you’re confirming that their words are upsetting you.
Don’t Argue Back
Arguing with haters is pointless and tiring. It might seem like you need to win an online battle against a troll, but it isn’t worth your energy. Making yourself miserable arguing with haters won’t do you any favors. It will only make you feel more stressed and down. Instead, mentally remove yourself from the bad vibes.
Delete Haters’ Comments Without Reading Them First
If someone is bullying you online, don’t even read their messages. Delete their statements before you get the chance to read them.
Studies show that haters like nothing better than seeing that people have read their not-so-nice messages — so why would you give them the satisfaction?
Block trolls, turn your comments off, or change your online privacy settings instead of allowing them to ruin your day.
Laugh the Negativity Off
If haters are getting to you, try to laugh them off or carry on as if their judgments don’t bother you. When you seem annoyed, it only fuels their fire.
Laughing things off intentionally can reduce the impact that harsh words have on your mood and lower your stress levels.
In the long run, if a cyberbully can’t see how much they’re affecting you, they’ll hopefully stop trying.

Understand that It’s Not You — It’s Them
The most important thing to remember when you’re dealing with negative online comments is that it isn’t your fault. It can be difficult to distinguish haters from legitimate responses, but unfortunately, your own responses are the only words you have control over.
You might find some comments so offensive or so inaccurate that they affect you on a personal level, but do not respond defensively. Know that if a person is leaving extremely rude or harsh messages online, they might be going through something serious in their own lives.
The truth is, sometimes, people hurt others because they are hurting inside. When criticisms seem exceedingly hurtful, take a break and talk to a friend or family member about it. Remind yourself that the words do not define you, and they certainly aren’t your responsibility.
Focus on Yourself
Once you have acknowledged that teasing and bullying are typically the product of an unhappy person, you can begin to redirect your attention to something more positive.
Your self-worth should not be defined by opinions from people who do not even know you. You have to be your own cheerleader, both for yourself and for your brand, and realize that judgments about you are only a reflection of the insecurities of the commenter.
Shield Yourself with Kindness
Remember that cyberbullying has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the people leaving disrespectful messages. Whenever you see a negative message, take some time to post a positive one. Whether you create a brand new post about the things you’re grateful for, take a moment to send a compliment, or leave a great review for a partner business, be intentional about the content you create.
Turning negative energy into an opportunity to spread positivity can boost your mood and intentionally turn a bad experience into a better one. Your bravery and self-assurance could give someone else the inspiration they need to stand up against their own haters and trolls.

JustGoViral is Committed to Putting an End to Cyberbullying
Online comments can be a blessing and a curse. They can offer valuable user feedback, but they also make people want to quit the internet altogether. More often than not, online communication is used negatively, especially in the form of cyberbullying.
Remember, mean remarks are typically the product of an unhappy person, and it’s important to remember not to take them personally. Rude opinions do not define you, and they certainly aren’t your fault.
Learn to take false judgments with a grain of salt. Commit to spreading positivity through your brand. Seek out the opportunity to engage with customers who have a positive focus and ignore or delete messages that are filled with hate.
JustGoViral often shares information on topics like cyberbullying and how to deal with haters. Whether you’re surfing the web for pleasure, promoting your business, or growing your influencer brand, you should be able to feel safe and comfortable on the internet.
We are dedicated to stopping cyberbullying and helping you ignore the trolls so that you can make the most out of your time on social media. Whether you’re on a platform for fun or business, social media is a place for everyone to share their opinions and content respectfully.
Shield yourself from bleakness by responding to every negative comment with a positive message about your brand. Then, sit back and watch as your confidence inspires others.
Everyone plays an integral role in ending cyber-hate.