You’ve probably heard people mention the 1,000 followers milestone on Instagram. In truth, nothing special happens with your account when you hit 1,000 followers.
You don’t unlock any features or earn any account privileges. However, it is a notable accomplishment for a few reasons.

If you have 10 or 100 followers, chances are your Instagram marketing isn’t impacting your bottom line. However, once you earn 1,000 followers, there is a good chance that your Instagram presence is leading to traffic and conversions.
Also, keep in mind that your following can grow quickly and exponentially. The more followers you have, the more engagement you have. That will get your brand and content in front of new people.
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Here are some additional benefits of reaching 1,000 Instagram followers.
A brand that has attracted 1,000 organic followers is probably legitimate. However, let’s say your account is three months old. If you have 50 followers, people are going to make some assumptions. They may think you aren’t very reputable, or you aren’t invested in the platform.
It’s pretty easy for a brand to invest in marketing on the Instagram strategy to earn a couple of hundred followers. Chances are, you will get at least that many following you over from Facebook. Likewise, getting a single post to #justgoviral will have the same effect. The problem is that those initial followers aren’t going to be very engaged. That changes after 1,000 followers. At that point, you can be confident that you have established a community of people who are legitimately interested in your brand.

10 Tips for Reaching 1,000 Followers on Instagram
Now you know that reaching 1,000 followers can boost your ROI, establish your reputation, and help build engagement. Here are ten tips for making that happen.
Learn How Instagram Followers Works
Like other platforms, Instagram uses a series of algorithms to determine how content is prioritized, recommendations, and other features. As a result, the way you use your account will impact your ability to reach potential followers. Here are some ways to “hack” the algorithm:
- Follow accounts that will interest your target audience
- Engage with those other accounts
- Respond to comments on your posts
- Learn when your target audience is most active online, and post them
- Share your best content on IGTV and Stories
The idea is to create an active, dynamic presence to get your content in front of more people.
Encourage User-Generated Content
People love to share their pictures, stories, artwork, and other creations on Instagram. They enjoy the feedback, attention, and clout they receive. As a result, many Instagram creators are also trying to build up their presence. As a brand, you can take advantage of this. Encourage your followers to post user-generated content that’s relevant to your products. For example, if you are a fashion brand, encourage people to share pictures of themselves wearing your clothing. Ask them to add a hashtag or make another brand mention. Then, reward them with a boost on your page.
Seek Out Partnerships
Remember that not every brand on Instagram is a competitor. There’s plenty of room for brands to work together. Look around for accounts that complement yours. For example, do you share fitness-related content? What about partnering up with a brand that sells fitness trackers?
Follow Back
Close the communication loop. If someone follows your brand, consider following them back. Just be sure you vet their account to ensure they are on the up and up. At the same time, you ought to keep an excellent following-to-follower ratio. Don’t follow way more people than follow you. Clean up your lists frequently so that you’re only targeting the most engaged.

Connect with Instagram Followers
Partner with a reputable influencer in your industry to increase your following. Use Just Go Viral as an influencer platform. That way, you’ll only connect with people who have genuinely established influence and authority.
Instagram Followers Cross-Promote Your Content
If you have a good following on Facebook or other platforms, it’s time to lead them over to Instagram. Chances are, most are interested in keeping up with your presence anyway. Add your Instagram handle to your other social media profiles. If you share something engaging, be sure you promote it on multiple channels.
Use Hashtags Skillfully
Instagram is the most friendly platform for hashtags. While they are virtually frowned on in other places, Instagram encourages them. It’s perfectly normal to use multiple hashtags for each post. Just follow these few pointers to get things right.
Create a branded hashtag that you associate with all of your posts.
Encourage followers and influencers to use that hashtag, as well.
Research hashtags to ensure you aren’t using one with an unintended meaning or taking one from a meaningful cause.
Use popular community hashtags to attract new followers.
Remember that hashtags can make your posts easier to discover.
Learn from Your Analytics
Instagram offers robust analytics tools for brands. To get to these, go into your account, and tap the insights action button. If you want a general idea of your account’s performance, hit the metrics button under the general overview section. You can also take a look at specific content to get more data on each post.
Understand Your Audience
To produce Instagram content that attracts an audience, you have to understand who’s watching. Build a follower profile, just like you would create a customer profile for any other marketing or advertising effort. Learn what your target audience cares about, the accounts they are following on Instagram, and the content that resonates with them.

Focus on Production Values
Quality is critical if you want to #justgoviral. Look at the most successful, engaging Instagram accounts. They put in all sorts of effort to create attractive posts that are well-composed and perfectly targeted. Use editing tools, quality camera equipment, and anything else to enhance your product and improve production values.
Final Thoughts About Instagram Followers
The ultimate goal isn’t to have 1,000 followers. Successful brands often have many more. Yet, this is a significant milestone on Instagram. If you reach this goal, you are on your way to becoming an impressive presence on Instagram, and platforms like Just Go Viral can get you there faster.